Friday, April 01, 2005

An introduction of sorts.

There are those who may wonder a bit at the title for my little corner of the web, here. Allow me to illuminate.

In flagrante delicto - In the very act of committing an offence.

There are, I suppose, several ways of interpreting that. I have always said that when it comes to human nature, 'perception is reality', so I will leave the answer to who or what the phrase applies to up to anyone who chooses to read what gets written here. Who knows? There may be times when several meanings hold pertinence.

What I plan on posting here are my opinions, offered plainly, perhaps bluntly, and with no apology. If you do not like what is written here, you are free to not read, or send me an email at and I will do what I can to address your issues, should I deem them worthy of a response. Arrogant? Perhaps. But then again, this is my blog and I suppose I've as much right to my opinion that way as anyone else.

We'll see how this experiment develops over the next while. I've never held much of an interest in online journals or the like, but then again, this really isn't what this particular blog is going to be about. Those of you hoping for an insight into my more personal life, prepare to be disappointed.

In any case ... here it is. Not in any way associated with the NS Mafia.


Blogger Nathicana said...

Belated thanks for the kind words. Silly peeps. Usually folks tell me to put my soapbox away. *grins*

April 09, 2005 2:42 PM  

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