Friday, April 01, 2005

Evil is Subjective. Here's my first Subject:

The Player Once Known as Decisive Action recently wrote: "What can I say, when I'm wrong or said something I ought not to have said, I say it, I'm not beyond admitting when I'm wrong. Hey, when you're wrong, you're wrong."

I've got news for you, boyo. You're wrong.

You ask "How dumb do you have to be" in one of your recent forum posts on the LOEL (affectionately coming to be known as Losers Only Everyone Loathes). I'll ask you the same in turn. How much of an utter idiot do you have to be to think that people don't see right through your bullshit? We're all starting to think there's a reason LOEL is one letter away from LOL, because you have got some comedic gold in those pages - all unintentional it seems.

The only 'mod bias' as you say, has been their usual bias against troublemakers and rulebreakers - even your own alliance buddies on NS turned against you folks over that last bit. Are you really that blind to think that this is all some grand conspiracy just to make your life miserable? I hate to break it to you kid, but you just ain't that important in the grand scheme of things. This little blurb here is just me letting off some steam, just because I can. You're nothing more than a worn-out speed bump in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Your claims of my continued hassling are empty. We spoke on IRC ages ago, cleared things up, and I - unlike yourself - left you well enough alone. As for Kahta, I've got every bit the right to comment that any other player there does. He wants to take his bs public, he can be a big boy and deal with the fallout. I call it as I see it - just like you claim to do. Is there a reason my (and other people's) opinions should be damned but yours are a basis for slandering, defaming, and lying outright about others? What a sad, pathetic little cretin you must be to carry your campaign of hatred, bigotry, and supposed martyrdom on the way you have. If it weren't so funny to watch you continue to make a complete ass of yourself, I'd have stopped watching this train wreck ages ago.

I don't think the mods are all angels. I do think they're all human, and rather respect them for trying to do their best in a thankless task that they have volunteered for, and carry no real power in having it. And I think that whether you, I, or anyone else likes it or not, they are the appointed authority on those forums. I'd like to point out that with as much patience as they have exhibited with you and your little friend (among countless others) that they have far and above behaved better than yourself - who has banned and deleted any opposing opinion from your boards rather than let any dissenting voice or defense be heard. There are dozens of posts still on NS where you both have had your say, at length. You say in another section "We're supposed to stand firm and make you face us as equals or not at all.". A bit hard when you won't allow any response from those you're trying to crucify, don't you think? How much of a coward does it take to hide constantly behind the lies, half-truths and hate?

Hypocrisy is seldom pretty. You are a prime example of that, at its worst.

You go on about this supposed 'cybering' on those silly boards of yours (that you didn't even have the intellect to set up in your own way, having to copy the NS boards in their opening content) while having nothing to go on but some stupid quotes that people have taken entirely out of context from IRC chat - a service that is NOT officially affiliated with the NationStates game, by the way. And then you have the audacity to claim this is worse than you and your very good friend Kahta going on about how certain people ought to be killed, what percentage of the populace ought to be hunted like animals, baselessly accusing people whom you know next to nothing about of being rapists and whores and any number of bad things?

How stupid do you have to be, boy? Yes, I'm using 'boy' here because I think you've shown us all you're not mature enough to be off your mother's apron strings yet. Obviously, neither she nor your father managed to instill in you the common sense God gave the lowly Ass. (Yes folks, for those of you behind the game here, that is in reference to the animal.)

Lets add a few more examples of DecA: Idiocy at Work, shall we? Just for giggles.

[fifthhorseman] hey, I've never called anybody an offensive term, unless called one first

Lies, as proven by you on your forums. Constant character assassination and libel there, unchallenged due to your efforts at keeping people out, it seems.

[fifthhorseman] care to see an example of myself and buddies using discretion in what needs only be posted on our private forum?

[nathicana] The stuff that doesn't make it to NS really isn't their problem, nor my concern.

[fifthhorseman] it's related to an RP I did on NS that raised a few brows

[nathicana] And if it is anything like what I've seen in some of the others, no thank you.

[fifthhorseman] it's not only like it, it's like 10 times worse

[fifthhorseman] Rped between myself, Kahta, and Democratic Colonies

[nathicana] And ... if the other did not appeal, why do you feel this would?

[fifthhorseman] good point

All of this after you've claimed nothing on your site was inappropriate? Emphasis, mine. Bravo on proving yourself to once again be a liar, not to mention, bragging about your rp's in private while trying to play innocent in public. That doesn't sound very Elect of you - unless by Elect you really mean 'do whatever the hell we want and insist we're perfect anyway, ignoring any scripture that doesn't perfectly support our claims'.

[fifthhorseman] bottom line is, from my pov, they've been out to get me since day 1, and they won't stop being ought to get me, ever.

[nathicana] That is your point of view. I believe it is mistaken. You, however, seem to have rather an axe to grind with them after having had run-ins with them. You also seem to have a problem with authority figures, given what you've said, and shown on the forums. I say 'seem', because it's just my take based on what I've seen.

[fifthhorseman] i have spoken on my views on gov't. I am opposed to tyranny, except my own :)

Thus we see, it's all fine so long as he is the one calling the shots. Anyone else is 'reprobate' and 'out to get him'.

[EDIT]: In an interesting twist, there seems to be more evidence that the player behind Decisive Action, Vote Early, and Communist Mississippi is a cheat and a liar. Grazie, James!

Enjoy continuing on with your tripe and drivel, while the rest of us watch, laugh, and go on our merry way content in the knowledge that you are doing more to figuratively slit your own throat than we ever could, were we actually conspiring. The only reason some continue to rp with you there seems to be for them to have an outlet to live out their fantasies and exhibit their submissive tendencies under the guise of roleplaying - just as you seem to need it for similar reasons, such as playing out your visions of rape, and abuse of power, and twisted view of these White Might Makes Right and pathetic Women Are Whores ideals you seem so fond of.

1 Thessalonians 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.
Again, we see your hypocrisy.

And to those who would like to turn that one around on me? I'm not the one sitting here proclaiming to be better than everyone else, nor being some religious giant who has Visions from God TM, nor going to heaven while the rest of you burn, nor shouting at the top of my voice that I never make mistakes or stoop or fling mud or act inappropriately.

I do. And I'm not ashamed to admit it. I however, make an attempt not to go out of my way to baselessly drag people through the mud while I'm busy playing in it. Choice and accountability - something some folks aparently have zero concept on.

This concludes today's little rant, given that it's been building for a bit as I've watched the utter tripe getting tossed around on the 'net of late, and having finally gotten tired of the bullshit. As always, feel free to respond at, or post your comments here so that we can all either bask in your wisdom, or laugh our asses off at your ineptitude - whichever applies, folks. Me, I'm gonna go cook me up some steak and enjoy it to the full capacity of my little black heart.

To those who have shuffled off this mortal coil this past week, be it in service to their country or beliefs, disaster, misdeed, old age, disease, injustice, casuality, or in the pursuit of Rock, we salute you.

UPDATE: LOEL has apparently been shut down. Earlier in the day, a letter from Invisionfree was posted there concerning content. DecA supposedly 'took care of it'. Later, the board was removed entirely. He seems to think it was 'hacked', and came onto the #nationstates IRC channel on to attack the one he felt was responsible - much to the dismay of many. (A subject for another day.)

This blogger has a differing opinion.

After all, I've only been sending in reports for the past week or so.


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