Monday, April 18, 2005

The times, they are a'changing.

Shorter bit tonight. Shorter rant.

In three days time, my life changed rather quickly, it seems. Got a car, got it registered and licensed, am terribly pleased with the whole thing ... and now I've joined the working class again. You'd think I'd be terribly pleased with that too, neh?


I knew I wasn't looking at any dream jobs when I chose to go the quick and dirty route of agency work. The point was to get cash, get it fast, and not get stuck in something I had to work up to to meet those cash goals, or something I couldn't gracefully get out of if/when I needed to. It's not like I had any illusions.

Still, when the agency called late Thursday afternoon asking if I could start at 8am on Friday ... I freaked. The hell? That soon? Good lord, still didn't have a daycare locked down, though I had discussed taking the walkthrough with one just the day earlier.

Long story short there, the place was as awesome as I'd hoped, and though I have much guilt on some levels, the lil man has been thrilled with it all and I feel confident he'll be well cared for there, and that he'll be learning things and getting the socialization he needs.

Sound like I'm trying to convince myself? You try letting go like that after you've had 3+ years of having your lil buddy trailing you around, and knowing just how hard it is after having a daughter in day care for a good long while however long ago. Damn right I am.

So, the job.

First off, you have to understand that this job is B.F.E. from where I live. They gave me a position about as far out as I'd said I'd go for work. Takes a good 25 minutes to drive there. With gas prices where they are, yeah. It's a concern. At least I enjoy driving.

Second off, it's data entry. Now, nothing wrong with that perse, except for the fact that I'm on the computer for 8 hours a day ... and can't access mIRC or the forums (yet - checking on that later) at all. Yay, my own private hell of compy time minus the fun.

Third off, while all the folks working with me that I know of so far seem really nice, I don't get the impresion that I'll be having many deep philosophical discussions with them. I'm planning on bringing my tunes and just trying to soldier through the stacks of medical claims as best I can til I can move on. I walked in the door there and one of my first thoughts as I surveyed the cubicle farm was 'I so don't belong here'. Later on it was the realization that many of the good folks working there looked the types to have aspirations of paying off that Ford truck and settling into a nice double-wide trailer and calling it good.

Yes, folks. I have discovered that I am indeed an elitist prick. And I'm not sure I like that. C'est la vie.

Fourthly, more than half my $$ goes to daycare. Also kind of expected, but I'd hoped it wouldn't be quite that much. Caring for kids is expensive. Now, why homemakers can't get a good break from the government for doing what they do for no compensation is beyond me, but hey. That's a rant for another day. Bottom line is, it's a damn good thing this job is paying decently (it is in fact paying more than I've made at GOOD jobs previous to now), or I'd not have taken it. Should have plenty to work on getting things paid off, as planned. More importantly, should be able to qualify now for the house we want - which was the big push here.

In the meantime, I'm grateful for the cash, the opportunity to get what we want it's going to afford, and the fact this is only temporary. Because I tell you what, I'd slit my wrists if I had to think of the prospect of doing this long term, day in day out. Here's to hoping something better pans out in the meantime. If I have to do the time, might as well be doing something I enjoy. Self-imposed hell sucks.

So much for not sharing personal bits, neh?

Current mood: Conflicted.


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